Cold Weather Threatening the Super Bowl?

The term “polar vortex” has been tossed around quite frequently the past few weeks. While most of the Eastern United States has seen record low temperatures, places like Alaska have seen record highs.

Ordinarily, this would be nothing more than an inconvenience for the people caught in the cold weather’s path, but now the cold weather threatens the Super Bowl. If the weather is extreme enough, the Super Bowl may have to switch days. Currently, they are expecting weather in the 30’s according to The Weather Channel.

According to the International Business Times, the NFL is “hoping people will embrace the cold weather”, but that fans will probably not be happy if the day or time has to change due to weather. The International Business Times approaches the potential “fiasco” with a somewhat cavalier attitude. The world must look at us and laugh that we cower away from a little cold weather.

It seems that all of the fuss is for nothing. The Washington Post put it this way, “While this will be the first Super Bowl held outdoors in a cold-weather climate, it certainly won’t be the worst weather fans have faced during an important football game in recent history.”

It seems that like we did with swine flu, we are overreacting to the threat of cold weather. It is nothing we haven’t braved before, and people in Norway with a high today of 23 degrees must think we are rather silly to be worried about this at all.